The systemic inequities we experience and observe every day, although long existing, seem to be soaring. If we see them, if we believe in the critical need to scaffold the preparation of a diverse, engaged and ready next generation of …
In the wake of recent Supreme Court decisions, state legislations, and the changing demographics and cultural shifts of our nation and globe, we are reminded that we must continuously challenge our assumptions and engage in civil discourse and dialogue about …
by Dana Yanulavich | August 21st, 2019
As every sailor knows, staying on an even keel is important for stability. And Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Dorothy Jimenez discovered firsthand that this state of balance applied to her personal life, too. …
We are thrilled to offer you an additional place to connect with members of the Excelsior University community and to engage in opportunities relevant to your areas of interest or to how you identify. In this space you will find …
Amanda Alfred MBA ’17 began working for Prudential Financial Inc. in Livingston, New Jersey, five years after graduating from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She came from a large family of nine children that had emigrated from Guyana. Education was very important …
When Walter Were was young, he wanted to be a successful businessman and community leader when he grew up. Were says his definition of “success” doesn’t equal the material possessions he’s acquired, but rather how well he can answer the …
Angeline Bernard has never stopped learning, working, or growing in the health care field. She is dedicated to her craft, and her passion and determination to succeed is evident each day she goes to work or begins a new project.