Community Engagement Initiatives

In January 2016, Excelsior Cares was created as a community engagement program to expand the College’s mission of service to the underserved beyond the virtual classroom by assisting with the critical needs of the community via shared time (volunteerism), shared talent (skills), and shared treasure (financial contributions). Collectively, we are called the Community Engagement Group. 

Dedicated to the belief that a strong social fabric creates opportunity, our core community engagement initiatives focus on five key areas: health and wellness, lifelong education, diversity and inclusion, veterans/military, and social and economic justice to reach from New York’s Capital Region to globally, to show Excelsior Cares. 


The Community Engagement Group discusses and plans community volunteerism, community fundraising & community collection drives, serves as an approval group for College-wide endorsed community/charity events, and leads initiatives to be fair to all employees. 


Why is the Excelsior Cares culture of giving so important? For employees, helping the community is a chance to learn about themselves and others. It is a chance to appreciate what they have when you see firsthand others who are less fortunate. It is also an opportunity for employees to learn about services provided by many non-profits in the community and perhaps refer others to them. It is also a chance to meet and work with colleagues from various units across the College while serving great causes. 

Beyond feeling good and helping others, the feedback we receive from organizations is inspiring. For example, Nancy Pechony, a logistics director from Veterans Miracle Center, stated, “It was wonderful having your group here. They were a great blessing to us, enabling us to get so much more humanitarian aid packaged to go out than we ever could have with just our own staff. Thank you more than words can express!” 

Carolyn Braunius, associate director of development, Capital District Region, Special Olympics New York, shared,Thank you so much for letting Special Olympics New York be a part of Excelsior Cares volunteer day! We had such a great time working with the volunteers from the College, and they made such a huge difference for us here at our organization! Five volunteers worked seamlessly with staff and five of our athletes to clean out and organize our equipment storage facilities.”