Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) Webinar attendance is recommended, especially for new WRP Coordinators, but not required. While we encourage Coordinators to attend as many webinars as possible, for our returning Coordinators that are familiar with WRP, we would encourage you to attend the webinars on July 10, August 7, September 4, and September 11.

The Password for all webinars is Welcome!24

Information to join by phone will be shared in the reminder email sent the day before. These emails should be reviewed in case of any WebEx or schedule changes. ASL interpreters and captioning will be provided for all webinars. For any other reasonable accommodation requests, please contact seven days in advance of the webinar. Webinar materials and the recording will be emailed to all WRP School Coordinators 1-2 weeks following the webinar. Additional webinars may be scheduled later in the year.

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