The goal of this community or “rope team”is to support the experience and development of active military, veterans, and family members of active military and veteranswho have the unique experience of serving in the uniformed services and to whom we deeply grateful for their selfless service. This community offers connections, opportunities, resources and experiences to help navigate obstacles that may arise along your personal, social, academic and professional journey. We call them “rope teams” because these communities, as many as you are interested in accessing, are here to support your student and alum journey as well as to provide you with an opportunity to support the journey of those you want to help succeed.
Whether you’re looking for your first job or you’re a job search expert, you might have heard about transferable skills by now. These types of skills are great if you don’t have a lot of work experience, if you want …
A comprehensive resource for students and job seekers looking for career advice, job postings, company reviews from employees, and rankings of the best companies and industry employers.
While veteran joblessness rose to 7.3% in 2020—versus 8.3% unemployment for the total U.S. population—millions of STEM jobs went unfilled. In 2020, 18.5 million men and women were veterans, comprising 7% of the civilian population.
Veterans face several issues when transitioning out of the military and into civilian careers. In my last post, I shared a number of structural and cultural barriers that veterans face, as told to me by branding expert Lida Citroën earlier …
A comprehensive resource for students and job seekers looking for career advice, job postings, company reviews from employees, and rankings of the best companies and industry employers.
This is the last of three posts on veteran careers, based on an interview I conducted with branding expert Lida Citroën that I conducted earlier this year. In the two previous posts, I focused on Citroën’s comments on some of …
A comprehensive resource for students and job seekers looking for career advice, job postings, company reviews from employees, and rankings of the best companies and industry employers.
The systemic inequities we experience and observe every day, although long existing, seem to be soaring. If we see them, if we believe in the critical need to scaffold the preparation of a diverse, engaged and ready next generation of …
By Daniel Pascoe Aguilar
Daniel Pascoe AguilarFndg. Director of Ctr. for Social Justice & CDO
Excelsior University, The Center for Social Justice, and the Military & Veterans Rope team are excited to celebrate National Veteran & Military Families. Each November, the president signs a proclamation declaring November National Veterans & Military Families Month. We honor …
PAMELA JIMENEZProgram Director for the Center for Social Justice
The courses you take are an essential part of your career path. Get started today with the online course catalog to see what options are available and plan your academic journey!
First, choose an industry of interest, then filter for occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)
Type in a keyword to select a relevant occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)
Occupation Description
Employment Trends
Top Employers
Education Levels
Annual Earnings
Technical Skills
Core Competencies
Job Titles
Occupation Description
Employment Trends
The number of jobs in the career for the past two years, the current year, and projections for the next 10 years. Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons, and do not distinguish between full- and part-time jobs. Sources include Emsi industry data, staffing patterns, and OES data.
Top Employers
These companies are currently hiring for .
Education Levels
The educational attainment percentage breakdown for a career (e.g. the percentage of people in the career who hold Bachelor’s Degrees vs. Associate Degrees). Educational attainment levels are provided by O*NET.
Annual Earnings
Earnings figures are based on OES data from the BLS and include base rate, cost of living allowances, guaranteed pay, hazardous-duty pay, incentive pay (including commissions and bonuses), on-call pay, and tips.
Technical Skills
A list of hard skills associated with a given career ordered by the number of unique job postings which ask for those skills.
Core Competencies
The skills for the career. The "importance" is how relevant the ability is to the occupation: scale of 1-5. The "level" is the proficiency required by the occupation: scale of 0-100. Results are sorted by importance first, then level.
Job Titles
A list of job titles for all unique postings in a given career, sorted by frequency.