
The goal of this community is to offer a space for people who are interested in the diversity of experiences and perspectives of those who identify as men. Because our personal experience and upbringing play a role in how we view and define gender, we have much to learn about how we can further value and support each other to reach our goals based on our diversity. This community offers connections, opportunities, resources and experiences to help navigate obstacles that may arise along your personal and professional journey. This community recognizes, appreciates, celebrates, promotes, and supports each individual because of their diversity and contributionsWe call these communities “rope teams” because they, as many as you are interested in accessing, are here to support your student and alum journey as well as to provide you with an opportunity to support the journey of those you want to help succeed.

8 (Realistic) Ways Working Dads Can Achieve Work-Life Balance

This is the second Father’s Day we’re celebrating in a COVID-changed world. And, as is true for so many working parents, working dads at the executive level have spent the past year and a half learning new ways to parent …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
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Working Fathers, Including CEOs, Want Work/Life Balance, Too

Having a healthy work/life balance means different things to different people. To some, it means not working more than a certain number of hours a week. Say, 40 or 50, or even 75. To others, it means being able to …

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Building Communities To Address Systemic Challenges In Higher Education And Beyond

The systemic inequities we experience and observe every day, although long existing, seem to be soaring. If we see them, if we believe in the critical need to scaffold the preparation of a diverse, engaged and ready next generation of …

DANIEL PASCOE AGUILAR Fndg. Director of Ctr. for Social Justice & CDO
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Welcome to Our Rope Teams: Find Your CORE (Connection, Opportunity, Resource, Experience) Hubs Based on Your Interests or Identities 

We are thrilled to offer you an additional place to connect with members of the Excelsior University community and to engage in opportunities relevant to your areas of interest or to how you identify. In this space you will find …

DANIEL PASCOE AGUILAR Fndg. Director of Ctr. for Social Justice & CDO
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Internship / Job Databases


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