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Stories & News

Director of Finance and Operations, Men as Peacemakers

Michael is the Director of Finance and Operations at Men as Peacemakers, a nonprofit that builds “safe communities through programs that address and undermine the root causes of violence against women and children.” Michael’s role is to lead the financial …

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Vice President of Finance, Inorganic Ventures

Justin is the Vice President of Finance for Inorganic Ventures, an inorganic standards and reference material manufacturer in Virginia. Justin’s label may be “finance”, but he has a heavy hand in the strategic direction of the company. From quality control …

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What Is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)?

A chartered financial analyst (CFA) is a certification offered by the CFA Institute and a title for those who have earned this certification. Getting a CFA charter requires several exams and can be difficult. However, the CFA designation is highly …

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Business Analyst vs. Data Analyst: What’s the Difference?

What’s the difference between a business analyst vs. data analyst? In some organizations, these roles are interchangeable. However, business analysts generally take a more comprehensive role, bridging the gap between data analysis and a business’s goals. On the other hand,

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Senior Audit Associate, KPMG LLP

Mohamed is a Senior Audit Associate with KPMG LLP, one of the largest auditing and financial services firms in the country. His main role is to perform regular audits on his clients’ financials to ensure they are free of error …

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Accounting Analyst at Roche Diagnostics

Addison is an accounting Analyst at Roche Diagnostics. Her main duties are generating financial statements that go out to the public and performing analysis on different financial metrics for internal use.

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Industry & Career Vault Guides

The Vault Guide to the Top 25 Accounting Firms is the most comprehensive guide to the best accounting firms to …

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