Career Readiness and Faculty Champions Statement
The Career Readiness Center encourages faculty to partner in student success early and often. Collaboration leads to increased opportunities for success in developing pathways, highlighting skills and competencies in all courses, making impact, influencing, advising, and mentoring as many students as possible as part of a full holistic partnership to build a culture of career and academic readiness university wide. Further, students must have the ability to articulate their knowledge, skills and competencies gained as well as understand their network of resources, community, and pathways to reach the goals they have set out to achieve. Finally, they must apply this in the workplace through experiential learning and reflection.
Why become a CRC Faculty Champion?
- Enhance recruitment and retention through well designed courses integrating both quality academic outcomes with relevant career preparedness goals.
- Make Excelsior University a “destination” college” for students seeking a quality education that prepares them for a rewarding career.
- Distinguish Excelsior University from other online higher education institutions.
- Align and identify skills and career readiness competencies in every course.
- Create an understanding of the importance of career readiness to student success, and the important role faculty and all of us play in supporting students.
- Utilize the library of career-related assignment template ideas, activities and engagement, tools/resources available. (Experiential/career learning options) Share the D.E.E.P. Learning Experiential Program and its components.