Civic Engagement

This identity/allyship rope team seeks to create a space for all community members from broad and diverse political  perspectives to engage in civic dialogue, to access connections, opportunities, resources, and experiences relevant to students’/alums’ development and success, and to share their voice and gain knowledge on different political views and civic opportunities to contribute and engage. This community is designed to nurture important civic discourse meaningful to all members of society and the pursuit of their civic duties. We call them “rope teams” because these communities, as many as you are interested in accessing, are here to support your student and alum journey as well as to provide you with an opportunity to support the journey of those you want to help succeed. 

Stories & News

Can You Write Off Pro Bono Work? Answers Here

Pro bono work—short for pro bono publico, meaning “for the public good”—is when professionals offer their expertise free of charge to benefit individuals, organizations, or communities in need. This practice is common across industries like law, consulting, and marketing, where …

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Excelsior Connects on the Road! Next Stop…Baltimore, MD!

We’re excited to bring all the benefits of Excelsior Connects—networking, mentorship, and professional connections—on the road. We’re thrilled to host our event at The Center Club, Baltimore’s only Platinum City Club and a proud member of the top 100 …

PAMELA JIMENEZ Program Director for the Center for Social Justice
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What Exactly Does a Policy Advisor Do? See If This Mom Can Explain The Job | Indeed

Get better job matches when you complete your Indeed profile:
Do you know what a policy advisor is? We tested Emma to see how much she knows about her son David’s career as a policy advisor. Does she know …

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5 jobs for people who love giving back | Roadtrip Nation

‘Tis the season for giving thanks and giving back—but there are career opportunities that can help you practice gratitude year-round!

Whether you’re interested in animal care, nonprofit work, or local governance, these 5 jobs will show you just how many …

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Who’s Hiring? 10 Organizations Devoted to International Development

Photo Credit: Salah Malkawi, EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid

Are you looking for opportunities to address global challenges, partner with international communities, or be part of humanitarian aid responses? If so, then applying for a role with an organization …

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Can I Work Remotely on an H-1B visa?

This blog post was co-authored by Aaron Blumberg, Partner & Attorney at Fragomen.

Many people are drawn to remote work for the freedom and flexibility that it provides, so it should come as no surprise that the number of people …

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Internship / Job Databases

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